What's a Floppy Disk?
Well, the spring semester is now in full swing, and I'm teaching an advanced course with 11 students. The students will be giving powerpoint presentations on various topics in the field of inorganic chemistry throughout the semester. In order to make things a little easier for the students, I suggested they bring their powerpoint presentations on a flash drive and load them onto my laptop on the days they are presenting their talks. (Believe me technology is only wonderful when it works!) To my surprise, one of my students stated that "nobody uses portable flash drives to store their stuff." I replied that when I was in graduate school, I saved my dissertation on three or four floppy disks." A second student replied, "What's a floppy disk?" I found his response quite amusing and laughed and told him to shut up. All the students found this to be quite humorous. However, at that moment, I realized I was OLD to these young people. Have a I turned into ...