STEM-ing Anniversary in Detroit
This has been an amazing second year as the Executive Director of LTU's Marburger STEM Center located in Southfield, Michigan. There are so many proud STEM-ing moments and milestones working with great LTU colleagues this year. I just wanted to share a few fun highlights for the second year. Published Book Chapters I authored two book chapters during my second year! The first book chapter is entitled, " Critical Mass Takes Courage: Diversity in the Chemical Sciences ," which was published in Diversity in the Scientific Community Volume 2: Perspectives and Exemplary Programs (ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 1256) . This book chapter is a collection of selected stories about some amazing chemists including a tribute to my friend and colleague, the late Dr. Melissa Schultz. Secondly, I authored a chapter entitled "Life After Tenure Denial in Academia: A Success Story," in the forth coming book African American Women Chemists in the Modern Era authored by Jea...