The Health Care Fix--Who Are the Stake Holders?

By now everyone is likely aware of the ongoing debate in Congress focusing on how to fix our heath care system, specifically how to reduce the rising costs. Health care reform is certainly a high priority for President Obama. His foot is on the accelerator to get something done, but I do wonder if speed is what we need to fix a very complex system. Don’t get me wrong, something has to be done, but there are a LOT of stake holders sitting at the table too. Yes, the American Medical Association (AMA) is “on board,” but there are 47 million Americans that do not have access to health care. It is time we do something.

But even if a solid piece of legislation is passed by Congress, all of us will have to sacrifice in order for every single person to have access to quality health care, which I do believe is a right not a privilege. However, we also have another responsibility as stake holders too—we all need to be proactive about finding the right information when we do seek medical advice. What I mean is that just because a doctor tells you something, that doesn’t necessarily mean that is the right choice or option for you. If you don’t agree with something, then get a second, third or fourth opinion if needed. I recently listened to the Michael Baisden Show while driving home from work and the discussion focused on fibroids and African American women. A hysterectomy should not be the first option! Do your research and get the right answers.

No, I wasn’t trained as an MD and I am not here to give medical advice, but I do think as stake holders of our own bodies, we need to be more proactive to make the right decisions for us. Congress may very well pass a health care reform bill, but we are the real stake holders in the health care fix.


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