What Do We Really Need?

On the drive home this evening, I was listening to the Michael Baisden Radio Show, and his special guest was Mr. Dick Gregory. Many folks called to talk about the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. One caller in particular believed that what we need now is another Dr. King. However, Dick Gregory believes that we don't need another Dr. King because there is "only one per customer." Now, I do agree with Mr. Gregory that don't need another Dr. King, but I started asking myself 'what do we really need?'

Things are certainly better and we have made progress regarding race relations in this country. However, the problems facing the African American community are enormous. From teen violence to the HIV and AIDS epidemic, we are facing serious challenges. But, what is our strategy moving forward?

We have elected the first African American President and some African Americans are leading fortune 500 companies. Moreover, some African Americans hold key positions in industry, government and academia. But, the real challenge is that although more African Americans are successful, there is a growing gap in our communities between those that have "made it" and those that have not been given an opportunity to "make it." I think the best way to honor Dr. King's legacy is to reach back to our communities and make a real difference. Celebrating his legacy for one day is wonderful, but what are you doing for the other 364 days of the year? BTW, Happy New Year.


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