The Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King

On this day, we honor and celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His impact on this country 43 years after his assassination is undeniable. This morning, as I drove to work, I really thought about how the countless and selfless sacrifices of so many made it possible for me to be here. I am truly thankful.

Growing up in my home town of Detroit, Michigan, I never dreamed of being a chemistry professor, but I am. Yes, it is very true that the numbers of African American chemistry professors is dismal, but I am still truly thankful. Why? I have the opportunity to impact the next generation of chemists. And no, this path has not been easy. But, I am still thankful. The point I wish to make is that because of our Civil Rights pioneers, my journey (and yours) has been a lot easier. Happy MLK Day.

Prof. Sibrina Collins (smile)


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