Lemons to Lemonade

On July 1, 2016, I began my new appointment as the first Executive Director of The Marburger STEM Center, housed on the campus of Lawrence Technological University. This is indeed an exciting time for me professionally. I truly believe that my STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) journey has prepared me for my current role at LTU!

Most recently, I participated in a BWISE (Black Women in Science and Engineering) Blab to discuss how I used a tenure denial decision to influence my current career path. My take home message is that I learned some important and critical lessons from the experience and moved forward with my career. No, it was not easy. But, with support of my friends and family, I developed a career plan that was guided by my passions. You can see the entire interview by clicking the following BWISE Blab Link. It is my sincere hope that my journey will give encouragement to someone else that is currently facing difficult career challenges.


Sibrina N. Collins, PhD


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