Finding Peace and Serving the STEM Community

On July 1, 2017, I celebrated my one-year anniversary as the Executive Director of the Marburger STEM Center at Lawrence Technological University located in Southfield, Michigan. One of my wonderful mentors asked me recently in an email, "Sibrina, did you truly ever imagine that you would have this type of institutional responsibility and role?" The answer to this question is not at all!

I can honestly say that I am finally at peace. I am finally in a role that allows me to bring my full authentic self to a role. This is a lifetime opportunity that I am truly embracing. I am thankful. I recently talked about finding peace in my career during a  Beyond the Bench: STEMulating Career Conversations podcast, hosted by Dr. Marquita Qualls. In this conversation, I emphasized the importance of learning to embrace career challenges. When did I know it was time to leave the bench and try something else?  I knew it was time to leave the bench when I was denied tenure, which was hurtful and painful. However, I came out on the other side of this stronger and better.

I am actually really thankful that some things didn't turn out the way I once wanted them to. In this role, I get to serve the entire STEM community, not just my area of expertise, which is inorganic chemistry. (Inorganic chemists are simply the best because we make colorful compounds!) Believe me, I never would have imagined that I would work closely with faculty and students in engineering, architecture, computer science, mathematics, science and business! This is truly an interdisciplinary or trans-disciplinary type of role. My take home message is no matter what challenges you face in your career, try to identify something positive about the experience. No, that is not easy. However, this will help you to move on and prepare for your next role.




  1. I am learning everyday and I'm ok with learning from my very intelligent children!

  2. Thank you for this! I have a Masters and have worked in the field of environmental science my whole career. Somehow I have never felt truly fulfilled. This fall I am starting a EdD in Interdisciplinary Leadership and hope to merge my stem education with leadership skills where I can work with STEM minority students helping them find their path in their career and excel in leadership roles. Continued good luck in your position! Take care!

  3. Kristi, congrats to you!! That is awesome. I wish you well on your STEM journey. Walk in purpose!


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