Grandmothers: Wisdom, Courage, and Pride

Recently, I gave a brief talk at my Alma Mater, Wayne State University(WSU). I was the featured speaker for the Honors Convocation in the Department of Chemistry. I was truly honored to be given an opportunity to discuss my career in the chemical sciences, but more importantly how my WSU education made an impact on my career path. My take home message for the students is that I just wanted them to realize that a degree in chemistry can open so many doors. Sadly, too many young people don't realize that a career in science can be very rewarding.

I have given presentations like this in the past, but I was more nervous because my grandmother and mother were in the audience. This was the first time I had ever given a presentation while they were in attendance. Well, the talk went very well, and many students and faculty told me they enjoyed the talk and they found it inspiring. One student wanted to take a picture with me! Anyway, after chatting with a few students, I went over to my grandmother and said, "I hope I didn't embarrass you too much." She replied, "Oh, no, that was really good." Then she whispered to me, "Do they pay you for this? They need to pay you." I chuckled and told her no, but she later joked that she would be willing to write a letter explaining that she was my grandmother and that I should be reimbursed for my gas mileage. I do adore my grandmother!

My grandmother is truly an amazing woman and continues to be a source of pride for me. I call her often to hear her words of wisdom and encouragement. I love to listen to her stories and strong opinions on current events. I am truly blessed that I can pick up the phone and talk with her as often as I want. She recently sent me a letter stating that she loves to hear my little voice when I call and that, "I sound like I have nothing else to do, but talk to her." I smiled when I read the letter. It is so important that we make time for family, no matter how many things we deal with on a daily basis.

So, I dedicate this blog entry to all the mothers and grandmothers. Have a wonderful Mother's Day. Realize that you are a source of wisdom, courage, and pride for your loved ones.


  1. Nice Sibrina. So glad my autie is still around for you all to have those talks. I miss my g-ma. love ya keep up the great work.

    your cuzo Crystal

  2. I liked reading this story as much as hearing it directly from you the other day. Let's hear it for the moms and grandmas who always want to make sure we get paid, and appreciate our presence. Wish mine were still around this Mother's Day. Thankfully, they are always with me in spirit.


  3. It seems that for a lot of people hindsight is twenty-twenty vision. And then there are those special few whose vision is clear even in the now.Recognizing and being grateful for that which is right here, right now is a super power worthy of a super hero. I love the way you do you.

    Auntie Kitty

  4. Sibrina, thank you for saying I'm adorable. I think so too!:D
    Love you, Grandma


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