Can You Give Us a Donation?

Recently, a friend and I decided to go to the movies and see “Pelham 123,” starring Denzel Washington and John Travolta. After buying the movie tickets and paying a ‘grip’ for popcorn and candy, we walked into the theatre to find some seats. The theatre was only about half-full at the time, so we had an opportunity to really get comfortable while waiting for the movie to begin. Shortly after, one of the ushers walked to the front of the theatre to welcome everyone, which I thought was nice. But then, she begins to ask us for donations for some program. I don’t recall what exactly the donation was for because quite frankly, I was annoyed that she was asking for money. I was really shocked by this because I have never been asked to give a donation right before seeing a movie. She then tells us to shut up. Well, ok, she ‘politely’ tells us to turn off our cell phones and refrain from unnecessary talking or we would be escorted out of the theatre. Subsequently, the theatre lights were turned down and movie previews begin to play, while she proceeds to pass a bucket through the aisles like we are giving tithes at church.

Please don’t get me wrong. I think it is extremely important for everyone to give what they can to support programs regardless if they focus on tutoring our youth or helping to reduce crime in your neighborhood. However, there is a time and place to request donations.

After being completely annoyed with the donation request, the movie started and it was action packed from the very beginning. “Pelham 123” was really good and Mr. Travolta was an awesome bad guy. And, yes Mr. Washington gave his usual strong performance as well. I certainly think this is a movie you will enjoy. But, that’s why we go to the movies to enjoy them and forget about the challenges we deal with on a daily basis. When I go to the movies, I am trying to relax and enjoy the show. Please don’t try to ‘nickel and dime’ me at the movies.


  1. I agree. Anyone who works in a Movie Theater should know that the best way to get extra cash is to volunteer to clean the theater after the movie dismisses.Those seats are designed to have patrons' cash fall to the floor and then get stuck in something nasty that makes you say "Forget it, leave it for the sweeper!"

  2. I so agree, but I wonder if this is something unique to your state? I don't think that would be allowed where I live. It should be in the employer handbook that employees cannot beg for money from the patrons - no matter how worthy the cause - Come On!

  3. I have never heard of such a thing. I wonder if the theater would be open to their patrons requesting donations.

  4. Okay, that is both tacky and ridiculous. There is a time and a place for everything and that is the wrong time and wrong place. Theaters out here allow non-profits to run Public Service Announcements as part of the previews, but that seems a bit more appropriate than passing the bucket. Crazy.


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