Family Values and Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Recently, I had a couple of days off from work and I decided to spend my break visiting some of my dear friends. The drive took over three hours, so I listened to several CDs including the new one by Maxwell. (I do love the song “Bad Habits.”) I finally arrived at my destination—thank goodness for GPS navigation—and rang the doorbell. My friend opened the door and she didn’t say hello! Instead, she pointed at me and said, “You were speeding!” All I could do was laugh. I do love my friends!

My friend and her husband have two adorable kids, ages 12 and 7 and they kept me entertained during my stay. While my friend was cooking dinner, some other friends stopped by and we helped the 7-year old with his math homework. The first part of the assignment focused on counting and learning the value of pennies, nickels, and quarters. However, the second part was actually a game where you throw out some dice and count out money. Subsequently, you would then need to figure out the money you can exchange—5 pennies for a nickel and etc. It is actually a neat way to teach kids how to count and understand the value of money. The first person to reach 25 cents is the winner. However, the adults in the room had to raise the stakes and decided that $1.00 was more appropriate. We also came up with a name for this game and decided to call it “Change Up” because we kept changing the darn rules as we went along! Yes, I will admit that I lost. But, it was really fun! It is amazing how adults can take something this simple and just have fun with it. After an amazing dinner with some REAL southern sweet tea and good conversation, I was exhausted and looked forward to a good nights rest.

The next morning as I was getting dressed, the kids were up and getting ready for school. I was hungry and they convinced me to have some Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal for breakfast. “It is really good,” they told me. I sat down and had breakfast with them, and I admit it was rather tasty. However, I actually would have preferred some scrambled eggs with cheese, home fries, toast, and some VERY greasy bacon. (I think my blood pressure just went up.) But, the point I wish to make is that this weekend reminded me of the importance of friends and family and enjoying the simple things in life. We often get so caught up in work and other responsibilities, we don’t stop and “smell the roses.” Just be thankful for what you already have.


  1. I agree that family and friends are very important to keeping one sane in such a crazy world. We cannot lose sight of their importance.


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